Tuesday, March 22, 2016


She always wanted to be amazing, but she didn’t know how.  She’d look to the stars and wonder how they got there.  What was their secret?  How did they get so lucky?  What was the formula she needed to follow?

She always wanted to be amazing, but she knew her flaws, her flops, her failures.  She didn’t think amazing was possible if she was not perfect.  She kept working on herself to overcome these things, but there was always a goal to reach, and amazing was beyond that.

She always wanted to be amazing, because she always saw herself as plain.

She wanted to rise up from within the crowd and be noticed.  To be awed and loved for whom she was and what she brought into the world around her.

She wanted to amaze herself.  To surprise herself with what she can do. To be that person who can do anything.  To be that star she’d always looked to.

She buried herself in everything she did.  Her work, her art, her friends.  She lived and loved like there was no tomorrow, and made the most of her today.  She had a passion for everything around her.

Everything except for her plain self.

People had told her she was amazing, but she didn’t believe it.  She had reasons why their words were not accurate.  Biased opinions and lip service, that’s all she’d hear when it was said.

She still fights to be amazing.  To reach that goal that would make her feel special.   To live a life as someone more than anyone.

But look at her, as she creates.  Look at her eyes as she clears another obstacle.  Look at her smile as she loves those she loves.  Look at her determination as she takes on another challenge.

A challenge that will bring her to amazing.  That will put her closer to the stars.

Do all stars have to be in the sky?  Can they shine so bright they become blind?  Blind to the truth of what they are.  While inside they see their darkness, their faults, themselves as plain as they have always been, because that is their normal.  Their everyday.

Do the stars even know what they are?

She always wanted to be amazing.  She had no idea that she already was.

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